Renewable Energy

Our company, which closely follows developments in the field of electricity generation from renewable energy sources in our country, offers services such as application of call-up letters, projecting, product consultancy, installation-commissioning, post-operation maintenance.

1-) Application of call-up letter

The necessary application documents are prepared in accordance with the requests of our customers and the application procedures are made to the related distribution companies. There are about 10 MW projects that our company has made up to now for its customers and has resulted in positive results.

2-) Projecting

Alternative designs are prepared for projects that are eligible to receive a call-up letter and presented to our customers for approval. The projects of the agreed upon designs are prepared and submitted to the necessary institutions and organizations and approved. The project capacity that our company has completed TEDAŞ approval to date is approximately 22 MW.

3-) Product consultancy

Our company is working to present optimum solutions by evaluating the electrical and economical aspects of the products to be used in the projects. For this, our company, which is in cooperation with domestic and foreign production companies, offers solutions according to the best performance and lowest cost principle.

4-) Installation-commissioning

Our company specializes in installation and commissioning processes in its field. We have the advantage of having technical staff in our own area, so we can solve problems quickly.

5-) Post-Operation Maintenance

Failure or maintenance work that may occur after the installation of the plants that are installed is taken into operation is realized through the technical staff in our company. In addition, routine control services are provided within the scope of "Business Responsibility" for enterprises that are requesting.